Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Golden Compass Blog

The movie was a little hard for me to fully understand. I feel that the film did not attack Christianity, though. It doesn't sound like it was created for any purpose, except to tell a fictional story. I, like many of my classmates, would have thought it was about the government, if Mr.Hughes didn't say otherwise.

“I don’t think that’s democratic,” he continued. “I prefer to trust the reader. I prefer to trust what I call the democracy of reading – when everybody has the right to form their own opinion and read what they like and come to their own conclusion about it. So I trust the reader.” I agree with Philip Pullman, the writer, about this. I don't believe he is promoting anti-Christianity or attacking Christianity. He just put a fictional story that he thought up in his head and has no control over how people respond to it. The story may merely mean nothing to him, but the world to someone else. Whether it is about government or Christianity doesn't matter. All that matters is the man made up a fictional story with no harm intended and got critized for having a great imagiantion.


Friday, May 16, 2008


I am a huge dreamer and haven't really figured out if that is a good or bad thing. I would say my biggest dream is to be a successful actress. Unfortunately, its one of my harder dreams to make come true. I'm not sure if I even want to seriously pursue that dream because it seems very far fetched and it would take a lot of struggle. I hope though, to be generally very content and happy in my future. I hope to have a big family one day. Also, I hope to that Angelina Jolie and I will one day have a little chat; but it's not that important to me. I hope to find myself and know myself. One of my fears is that I will feel lost forever and never become generally happy and content. Giving birth to children is another fear of mine. I also, fear that I will be attacked in my home by a psycho person or that I will see a ghost. My biggest fear of all though, is pain. I have a dream, that one day, I will open up a resteraunt in North Carolina. My favorite quote is, "People say your going the wrong way when its simply a way of your own." I like the colors pink, purple, off white, and black. They are such great colors.

My goal is to obtain happiness, as previously discussed. I just want to be happy in its fullness.