Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Confused Mind

I am very mad right now. I just wrote this whole blog and tried to post it and this error showed up, so I lost everything. Something like this would only happen to me. Not to mention the cold i got this weekend and the $25 or $30 i lost this weekend as well. It really can't get any better than this; sitting here feeling miserable writing a completly different blog from the previous one i lost. This is my life ladies and gentlman.

I'm watching Walk the Line on tv and my bath water is running. Its 9:39 and I'm dead tired. Waking up by an alarm hurts, thats why nobody likes to wake up earlier. As a growing human, i have many many questions about everything. I don't think its natural for someone to have so many questions. Maybe, I'm suppose to know some of these things or maybe not. I feel that not everybody thinks as deeply as other peolple. I was talking to a friend and she said she hated thinking about the things I think about all the time. Things that don't have a quick answer and make you feel lost. This is life and its yours, what do you do? I feel like nothing is every enough. I mean what do you do with life, it seems so limited sometimes. Or do I feel limited? Everybody seems so simple compared to me. My friends tell me I make things complicated. I don't like to assume or judge but it gets real hard no to sometimes. Its really not a good thing to do. I don't know a lot of things but I want to have a big part in life, and I have no clue what thats going to be.

I went to edit this post and I have a draft of my other blog, just my luck.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sex Education

Sex education has not always been taught in American schools. In earlier years, the idea of teaching children about sex was very controversial. Many parents disagreed with the idea because they felt that it was their responsibility to discuss sex with their children. Now, as sexual activity has become greatly popular among teens, the fight whether to teach sex education has diminished into simple questions like what grade it should be taught in. Sex education is important because it informs teenagers of the risk of having a sexual relationship.

Most teenagers participate in sexual relationships. Speaking as a high school student, more than half of the students in high school are definitely involved in sexual relationships and sometimes more than one. The current generation promotes sex as the ultimate fun or cool thing to do. Often, times there is great pressure put on non-sexual teenagers to become in sexual relationships by their peers and society. Teenagers think of celebrities as Gods, making them their number one role model. This is not good considering the way celebrities portray themselves as lustful objects. The celebrities make it look cool to be promiscuous and give teenagers the okay to be that way.

Sex education is an important subject to be taught during teenage years. It is reported that everyday 8,000 teenagers are infected with a sexually transmitted diseases. In 2000, 240,000 girls 18 and younger became impregnated. Sex education about risks, preventions, and cautions can decrease disease and physical harm throughout young America. Emotionally, it helps to talk about sexual problems or relations with someone, decreasing suicide attempts. Several unplanned babies are born every year due to non-education. Sex education has the power to reduce teenage pregnancy, saving lives. Sexual relationships can turn into something life threatening and education can lessen the danger.

It is necessary for teenagers to be educated about the risks of sexual relationships. Most teenagers are engaged in sexual relationships because of celebrities and peer pressure. Teaching sex education is important because it causes the danger of death and disease to decrease. It also, decreased unplanned pregnancy and emotional problems. Sex education has helped some problems in America attempt to diminish.