Friday, March 7, 2008

Inaudible Melodies

I chose "Inaudible Melodies",an oxymoron, because Jack Johnson's music usually appeals to me. After reading the lyrics I not only liked his message but agreed with it. The purpose of Jack Johnson's song is to cause peolple to start living every moment of their lives. He states that purpose bluntly thourought the song by saying, "Slow down everyone, you're moving too fast." He repeats that more than 3 times during the song, making the purpose quite obvious. A cliche can also, connect with his purpose in saying, "Slow down before life passes you by." All this means is that don't rush your way throught life or before you know it, you'll be old and just about dead.

Jack Johnson's tone strikes me as nostalgic because of his mention towards a different time. He says, "Bushfire fairytales, Itsy bitsy diamond wells, Big fat hurricanes, yellow bellied given names", inferring to a fantasy world where everyrone lives timelessly. If a person lives in a fantasy world you have no worries, therfore you live in relaxation instead of rush. The title of Jack Johnson's song is being compared with the way people live life. Inaudible melodies literally means a melody without sound. If you can't hear a melody, what's the point? Like life, if you don't have a melody or meaning, what's the point?

Jack Johnson goes on to talk about how we live the way we are deemed to, the way we're "suppose" to live. We go school, graduate, get a job, and settle down to get married and have kids. "Well dust off your thinking caps. Solar powered plastic plants.", he says when he explains how we don't take a moment and think anymore because we are so caught up in doing the "supposed" life. Jack Johnson appeals to his audience when he says, "Well shortcuts can slow you down", which is a paradox. At first glance it wouldn't make sense becuase shortcuts are meant to speed things up, not slow down. Another look at it however proves that it infact could make sense. What may have started out as a shortcut could turn into a life wasted. Shortcuts can aslo make you stumble upon the unexpected that inevitably makes you slow down and take a look at life. With Jack Johnson's nostalgic tone and hidden messages he captures his audiences' emotions to turn their attention to his purpose. He uses the song as a metaphor which makes a deeper connection ti his audience, forcing them to belive that taking in every moment of life is in fact, important.